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- story by MaterialDistrict

(Un)woven is a biotextile made of inferior textile fibres, created as an alternative to the flawed traditional textile recycling process. A unique production method turns inferior mixed blends into a lightweight biotextile suitable for interior, furniture and product design applications. Emphasizing recyclability over longevity, the sturdy material can be recycled at the end of its life and repurposed for new production cycles over and over again.

(Un)woven offers two tonal concepts: The Marble Line plays with colours of existing fibres creating a mesmerising pattern resembling marble. It highlights the previous lives of each worn garment through colour and structural nuances. The Marble Line captivates with depths and patterns that create a complexity visible once looked closer at.

Developed in collaboration with Roua Atelier, The Pigment Line uses natural pigments to create playful textures and bespoke colour tones. The pioneering dyeing method is integrated into the making of the material and thus requires minimal amount of water and does not generate any dye waste. Finally, (Un)woven also explores various waste streams from the textile industry, such as, production waste, dust and recycled dyes (e.g., denim dye) to develop new material concepts.

Material Properties